Signpenfree Documentation
API ReferenceBase URLAuthorize RequestsFormatting RequestsError Responses

SignPenFree REST API Reference

Base URL

The base url for the production REST API is:

Authorize Requests

All requests made to the REST API require valid authentication.  When an operation is performed, it will be attributed to the SignPenFree account of the authenticated user.

HTTP requests made to the REST API can be authorized in one of two ways:

  • passing an API Key as a query parameter
  • sending an Access Token in the authorization header

An API Key is a simple encrypted string that identifies an account to SignPenFree.

You can pass your API Key into an API call as a query parameter with the following format.  Replace API_KEY with your API Key,


For example, to pass an API Key to the REST API for a List Packets request:


An Access Token is a string that identifies an account to SignPenFree.  Access Tokens can used to grant an application access to specific REST API resources and methods.

You can send an Access Token in the authorization header with the following format. Replace ACCESS_TOKEN with your Access Token,

Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

For example, to send an Access Token to the REST API for a List Packets request:

$ curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

An API Key is assigned to your account after it is created.

You can create new Access Tokens, and regenerate or delete them at any time.

Formatting Requests

Standard list format includes the following parameters:

When querying for lists, use the following standard query parameters:

Limit20The number of objects requested by the api caller
Offset0The item number to start the request with
dataThe list of objects within the Limit and Offset criteria response
totalThe number of objects returned in the request

The Offset parameter allows for pagination of Results enabling larger Result sets to be fetched.

For an account with 201 packets,

 Request URIResult
1st request/api/v2/packets/list?Limit=100&Offset=0200 packets returned
2nd request/api/v2/packets/list?Limit=100&Offset=10100 packets returned
3rd request/api/v2/packets/list?Limit=100&Offset=201 packet returned

Error Responses

This section identifies some of the error codes and messages that the SignPenFree API returns.

The errors below are listed by their HTTP status codes as defined in RFC 7231.

The JSON response below demonstrates how an error is communicated:

"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "authError",
"message": "Invalid Credentials",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Invalid Credentials"

If you receive an error, you should:
1. Immediately log the response.
2. Investigate to determine the root cause.
3. Update your application to eliminate the error.



Error CodeDescription
badRequestThe API request is invalid or improperly formed. Consequently, the API server could not understand the request.
invalidThe request failed because it contained an invalid value. The value could be a parameter value, a header value, or a property value.
invalidHeaderThe request failed because it contained an invalid header.
invalidParameterThe request failed because it contained an invalid parameter or parameter value. Review the API documentation to determine which parameters are valid for your request.
invalidQueryThe request is invalid. Check the API documentation to determine what parameters are supported for the request and to see if the request contains an invalid combination of parameters or an invalid parameter value.
keyExpiredThe API key provided in the request expired, which means the API server is unable to check the quota Limit for the application making the request.
keyInvalidThe API key provided in the request is invalid, which means the API server is unable to check the quota Limit for the application making the request.
parseErrorThe API server cannot parse the request body.
requiredThe API request is missing required information. The required information could be a parameter or resource property.
unknownApiThe API that the request is calling is not recognized.


Error CodeDescription
unauthorizedThe user is not authorized to make the request.
authErrorThe authorization credentials provided for the request are invalid. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
expiredSession Expired. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
requiredThe user must be logged in to make this API request. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.


Error CodeDescription
dailyLimitExceeded402A daily budget Limit set by the developer has been reached.
quotaExceeded402The requested operation requires more resources than the quota allows. Payment is required to complete the operation.
account402The requested operation requires some kind of payment from the authenticated account.


Error CodeDescription
accountDisabledThe user account associated with the request's authorization credentials has been disabled.


Error CodeDescription
notFoundThe requested operation failed because a resource associated with the request could not be found.
unsupportedProtocolThe protocol used in the request is not supported.


Error CodeDescription
httpMethodNotAllowedThe HTTP method associated with the request is not supported.

GONE (410)

Error CodeDescription
deletedThe request failed because the resource associated with the request has been deleted.


Error CodeDescription
rateLimitExceededToo many requests have been sent within a given time span.